Tuesday, December 21, 2010

# 21 Chinatown

This is such a good movie! But I knew it would be as soon as I saw that good ol' Jack Nicholson starred in it. This movie was full of twists and had everything- sex, murder, intrique....and Faye Dunaway's pencilled on eyebrows....ugh. It was kinda hard for me to really pay attention to her because I kept looking at those damn pencilled on eyebrows wondering who the hell told her they looked good? Seriously?! Her big eyebrows in Mommy Dearest were much better then those hideous things! Crap, now I'm being super catty, my bad. So I love that it took place in during the 30's and that our hero is a rough and tumble P.I.......Also...the movies opens with pictures of people having sex. Great way to start a film, huh? This was my second Polanski film that I had seen (the first was Rosemary's Baby...which BTW don't watch if you are pregnant) and I have to say that I am impressed with his style...doesn't make me like him any though....pervert.

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