Tuesday, September 28, 2010

# 19 On the Waterfront

While I definitely prefer this Marlon Brando to Godfather Marlon Brando (of course nothing beats A Streetcar Named Desire Brando....can we say DAAAAMMMMNNNN???!!!!). I have to admit I was a bit disappointed by this movie. The story was great (decide between doing what is good and doing what is "right," man vs. man type of inner conflict mob story), Brando was gorgeous...oh yeah and great, but I found it really hard for me to keep my eyes on the screen as opposed to sorting stuff for the move back home and the yard sale and all that. Perhaps because this story has been done so many times and considering the mob movies I am more accustomed to (more violence and in color), this movie just doesn't hold water. If it weren't for Marlon Brando...I probably would've fallen asleep. I don't see how this movie made # 19 while A Streetcar Named Desire was # 47. Seriously, much better Brando film and you have him and Vivien Leigh doing this whole fiery sexual dance with each other throughout the entire movie....Anywho....trying to narrow down what my next showing will be: either The Sixth Sense (#89), All About Eve (#28), Do The Right Thing (#96), or All the President's Men (#77). Thought about watching Taxi Driver (#52), but I need a break from drama...I watched Boys Don't Cry yesterday and the ending where Brandon and Candace get shot (Candace right in front of her toddler son to make it even better) disturbed me more than a little bit and I had to go snuggle with Loki even more than usual. But that being said, it was an amazing movie and I see why Hillary Swank won an Oscar for it.

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