Friday, September 24, 2010

#60 Duck Soup

So I just finished watching the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup, and while I can't say I fully grasped the plot (something about Groucho becoming the leader of Freedonia and then declaring war on Sylvania because of a woman...and because the leader of Sylvania kept calling Groucho an upstart) was kind of all over the place, I was laughing every couple of minutes. This movie IS slap stick! I couldn't stop laughing and may have to look for some more Marx Brothers movies after seeing this movie. The ending (which involves Freedonia going to war) had Kiel and I cracking up. And I think that Teller (from Penn and Teller) is definitely drawing on Harpo Marx.

Now Kiel and I are going to pick up some Buffalo Wild Wings and bring it home. I have quite a few movies in my instant queue, but if I'm going to get Kiel to sit through anything, it will be have to be a more violent type of movie. Perhaps The Godfather (1 and 2) or maybe Taxi Driver?

Stay Tuned!

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