Thursday, October 7, 2010

# 67 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

I've never actually seen a movie with Elizabeth Taylor (aside from her cameo in the Flintstones movies). So I have to say I have committed the folly of underestimating someone before actually seeing their work. She is a phenomenal actress!!!! Richard Burton was incredible as well! I may have to rent Cleopatra just to see them in action together again! Aside from that....that's where the majority of my praise for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ends. The movie is complex, confusing and I found myself googling the movie after it ended because I just could not understand what happened. Did they have a son? Did they not? Did they and was he dead? Was it all just a game? Then I googled it for some better perspective and it just left me even more confused but all the more certain of Burton and Taylor's acting because the characters George and Martha were off their freaking rocker! George Segal was impressive as well (and very good looking...just saying....the first movie I ever saw him in was Look Who's Talking and he was middle aged by then). Sandy Dennis was wonderful as well, she really was able to pull of the vulnerability and naivety of the character Honey. But seriously. All of these characters were some crazy drunks! If I were there, my drunk ass would've left well before dawn because all that drama and fighting would've been killing my buzz.

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