I can't say that the movie surprised me. Of course I had seen the Gus Van Sant remake that came out in the late 90's. Although it was interesting to see just how much Gus Van Sant had taken from the Hitchcock classic. The scripts are exactly the same, the music, even a lot of the cinematography was super identical. But....the shower scene is much scarier in the Hitchcock vision because it is left up to the viewer's imagination. And Anthony Perkins was a much better Norman Bates that Vince Vaughn (although I do love him) because Perkins was able to demonstrate how Norman first seemed to be this innocent naive boy and then the audience gets to slowly descend into his madness. Amazing performance.
I'm sure that if I had never seen the 1998 version of Psycho, I would be able to enjoy and appreciate the original much better, but since I have seen the 1998 version and I saw it first, I wasn't surprised with the ending, I knew what was going to happen, I could even quote the script. So if you want to truly appreciate Psycho- see the Hitchcock version first!!!!!!!!!!! Seeing the Van Sant version and then seeing the Hictchcock version will only ruin it for you!
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