Saturday, November 6, 2010

#81 Spartacus

So as the credits were rolling and I saw that Spartacus was directed by Stanley Kubrick, my initial thought was that perhaps this would be like Marie Antoinette with a sort of funky twist to a historical tale. But it is an epic movie by any definition and seemed to be more an early Gladiator than anything else. I wish Kiel had been here to watch it with me, because he would've loved it (I miss him so much already and it has only been two weeks!). And the ending really had me in tears (Spartacus crucified, but still alive, looking down at his wife and child, knowing it is the last time he will ever see them but also knowing that his child was born free) Kirk Douglas was so powerful in that moment because he was kept his face hard and strong but with his eyes you could see so much emotion- pain, pride, happiness, it was so beautiful. Not to mention the battle scenes were pretty boss considering it was done without the use of all the modern effects that we take for granted in our movies today. It was also refreshing to see that Kubrick made a movie that wasn't a total mind fuck (like Eyes Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket or A Clockwork Orange).

So my car isn't here yet and locked in the trunk of my car is my x-box which is my main source for watching instant queue movies. I know I could watch them on my computer but...ehhhh.... According to the netflix website, The Graduate should be waiting for me in my mailbox. I have to admit, I am super psyched about watching this movie. I saw a special about it on AMC a few months ago calling it one of the "movies that changed the world." Plus, in a few months, I should hopefully be a graduate.

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